Services and Tools
We deliver customized solutions for your digital challenges – always at the cutting edge of technology.
The advantages of the React Framework NextJS include faster loading times, improved user experience and optimized visibility in search engines (SEO).
Backend Development
If our clients need a very complex CMS, dashboard or app backend, we are happy to program an individual solution.
Efficient options for a suitable basis would be PHP or NodeJs frameworks such as Laravel, NestJS or Sympfony.
We use Continuous Integration (CI) or Continuous Delivery (CD) in all of our projects: to automate the build process, for testing and deployment. This means that changes can be made available more quickly and lead times are reduced. This allows us to respond particularly efficiently to requirements and make functions and bug fixes available very quickly.
Headless Wordpress
In a traditional WordPress setup, WordPress manages both the backend (the administrative area) and the frontend.
The headless WordPress approach is much more flexible: the frontend is decoupled from the backend of a website and can then be used with other technologies.
WordPress can still be used as a backend CMS to manage data and content, while another framework (e.g. NextJs) is used for the frontend.
Performance Optimization
Performance optimization is an effective tool for increasing the conversion rate of a website or web shop.
Even with relatively little effort, the loading times or web vitals of a page can be significantly improved. One example: Google's Core Web Vitals are becoming increasingly important for search engine rankings and should therefore definitely be taken into account when optimizing performance.
Custom Programming
Standard software that is designed to meet a wide range of requirements is not suitable for every client.
That’s why BY INTENTION offers client-specific programming – tailored precisely to individual needs. This includes not only designing, developing and deploying, but also maintaining the exclusive software.
Find out how we were able to support these companies.
Let's create something great together!